Please do not all laugh at once..... this is my first ever attempt at rubbing stamping. Well I didn't do the stamping, Beryl kindly sent me...
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It is time to re-award my blog award.
I do most of my blog hopping on my mobile phone, which is great BUT you do not get to see all the wonderful...
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I am so excited Sydney starts ballet today. I haven't seen her all dressed up, but am hoping she will pop into the office later. She...
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I have only been out of the office for a few days at the Creative Craft Show, but I have missed loads! By the time we traveled home each evening,...
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This week we are attending a show that is close to home - no motorways, no ferries maybe just a tractor or two!!
We are at The Stitch and Creative...
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We have put together a super prize for the first challenge at Sunday Sketch & Stamp
It's a new blog challenge that we are sponsoring. ...
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Our Ribbon Challenge # 5 is full.
WOW!! I just can not believe how quickly this challenge has been filled - just over 12 hours. Amazing!!!!
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We have been given our first blog award!
I so wanted one of these - thank you Wilma. Choosing 10 blogs to pass it on too will be a problem...
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Sorry this challenge is now FULL
What a beautiful day, after driving through the night from Belfast and having an ice warning in Cumbria...
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Ali and Tony have faced yet another ferry, this time to Belfast. They are attending The Stitch and Creative Craft Show
This is the...
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This is going to be a long posting, I have lots of wonderful goodies to show you from our Ribbon Challenge # 4 - "Spring Time"
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Easter is not a good time, if you are a self confessed Chocoholic. I have eaten so much chocolate in the past, that 5 years ago I became allergic...
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Happy Easter everyone!
OK.... this is not your normal Easter Bunny, but ho hum - a ribbon one makes a change.
Forgot to mention...
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Although Ali had designed some new and inspirational new scrapbook layouts, using ribbon and buttons for this weekends show. It was still Alfie...
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If you are in need of some serious retail therapy then I suggest you pop over to Paris tomorrow. I went off for my normal stroll around...
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We are all loaded and about to leave for our last show of the season in France - Version Scrap, Paris.
The show is open From Friday till...
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Happy Birthday Rachie - honest it is Rachies birthday today, not an April's fools joke!!
Poor Rachie has had to suffer, throughout our childhood...
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