Bev's ribbons

I moved to Dorset to be closer to my sisters, but they were either galivanting around the country at some exhibition or working at the warehouse.  I started popping in for coffee, just so I could see them.  One day Tony gave me a clip board - what's this I say.  His reply..... "Well you spend so much time here, you might as well work for us pulling orders".  I'd got a job YIPPEE!!!

How difficult could it  be pulling orders, ribbon was JUST ribbon.  OH BOY!! How wrong was I. I had spent 20 years working in a timber yard, I can tell you what type of wood to use for your decking or fencing but ribbon was so complicated. I ended up walking up and down the aisles trying to locate the right ribbon - I walked miles!!!!

I now have my ribbon favs, although they do keep changing as Ali gets NEW ribbons in.  So I had an idea, why not share my ribbon favs with you.

I found a dinky little bag that I can fill with all my favorite ribbons - of the moment.

HERE is my first ribbon bag.......  (Who could not like this selection - polka dots, daisy chain, flowers, butterflies and lots more......

.......not only is it a super selection of ribbons - Ali has agreed that "Bev's Ribbon Bag' will cost £5.00  Which is amazing as I have just added up this selection and it comes to over £10

You will find this ribbon bag HERE and it will stay on the website until I have a NEW fav selection of ribbons - so be quick we have new deliveries arriving most days!!!!!



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