Friday FREEBIE–one still to come

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  Good morning everyone, a bit earlier than normal this morning.
Remember I mentioned that we could not book our normal hotel – Tony told me the new hotel was a walk away.
A WALK, more like a route march!

Ooooh I set you a difficult decision last Friday.  Vintage Butterflies or Owl ribbons.
To be honest I am not sure there was an outright winner between the two.
You love them both.

Thanks for all your wonderful comments, it is always great to read them. 
Makes me feel closer to home in some way.

Another hotel room so I thought I would use our room number for todays winner, not the floor number.
Although I would love to receive 700 entries……..maybe one day!

16  is………. Sammy
Sammy left this comment on our blogger blog.
The vintage butterflies for me! I'm a huge fan of anything vintage, and it's butterflies over owls for me any day! x

Congratulations Sammy please email Bev with your address details
and she will post you the Vintage butterflies WANT IT ALL collection of goodies.
You have until Thursday 20th March to claim your ribbons Sammy.

Today’s Friday FREEBIE prize is……

surprise 2

You see, I ran out of time to launch all the new ribbons before I started the exhibitions.

So there is still one range to come.
Can you guess what it is.
There are 20 ribbons in the range, with lots of different colours.

For a chance to win ALL 20 ribbons add your name to the list and leave a comment with your thoughts.

IF – you have seen us in Paris, Metz, Glasgow or London you may have seen these ribbons
Please keep them a surprise and just leave a comment like “I know I saw them in……”

Must go I have a loooooooooong walk to Olympia.
Have a great weekend, come and say hi if you can.

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