Full Bloom - Part 1

It has been like having my birthday all over again today - I have been ripping open envelopes and boxes like a woman possessed!! We have some beauties for you over the next few days, this challenge certainly brought out the sunshine in you all!

We keep losing our broadband today, so this post is being written in batches, no problem to me.  But Rachie and Bev and the order dept have been going crazy, the air is almost blue!! OH there is nothing BT can do to help, all their land lines are busy and they are suggesting we log onto their website - WE WOULD IF WE COULD!

Anyway here goes with the first picture, lets see how long it takes to load.

Oh what a princess, isn't she adorable.  Natalie used the ribbon as a backing paper, yes the pink section with the white daisies is a ribbon. Very clever, we think it has worked well.

She looks just as pretty in yellow too Natalie.  Same technique of using ribbon as paper.

Sorry I am having to give up on this post for today, the internet connection is so poor, it has taken me hours to load these two photos.

I will be back tomorrow - BT willing!!!

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