Hello everyone, it has been awhile.
Tony and I had a wonderful time at the French shows and arrived back last week.
Rather exhausted and full of cold, it is not surprising considering the amount of people we meet and greet.
Today I finally made it up to my office, camera in hand to take some photos of new ribbons.
I have just added these to the website.
Is it a ribbon or a label? Well a bit of both.
Narrow 9mm ribbon with either Handmade or
Fait Main (Handmade in French).
But the really interesting ones are these.
Cut the ribbon along the dotted lines, fold in half and you have a double sided label.
Perfect to sew into a seam, or stick to the side of a card.
So is it a ribbon or a label? We have called it Handmade Ribbon Labels!
Find these unique and EXCLUSIVE ribbons here
We sold out of the Fait Main version in Paris, so we are making sure we have plenty for our next show.
We will be at The Spring Knitting and Stitching Show next week at Olympia London.
We have 6 tickets to give away – would anyone like one?
If so then you are just 2 steps away.
1. Leave a comment below.
2. Email me your address at craftyribbons@gmail.com
Please only ask for a ticket if you plan to come to the show.
Have fun.