Hello Wednesday - Spooky

Don't you just LOVE wednesday's? Say hello to wednesday  "hello wednesday" It's all down hill from now on to the weekend - yippee!!!

When you go down to the woods today be careful of who you might meet..............

.......because our spooky bunch have been out and about!

Halloween came early to Blandford yesterday and we took the kiddies to the woods all dressed up in the spooky costumes of which the girls costumes were highly decorated with ribbons!

We had ribbon wands.... 

.....Mollie also had little button bats flying around her dress and Halloween ribbon down the front. Whoops not on the site yet!

We had ribbons coming from the witches hat.....

....and lastly we had ribbon bows ( I showed you how to make these last week HERE) on the shoes.

...with a little pink heart button for the centre.

....the orange flash is not an error, Mollie waved her wand at me!!!

We all had fun and got a few very strange looks, hasn't everyone heard of the secret cult of witches and warlocks called The Ribbon Gang!


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