Hello wednesday - button baby

Don't you just LOVE wednesday's? Say hello to wednesday  "hello wednesday" It's all downhill from now on to the weekend - yippee!!!

I hate these back to back shows, I just have no time to do what I enjoy - playing! It is all work, work and more work. 

This is not a new idea as such, I made one similar as part of our Santa Truck ideas for Christmas last year, but I thought it was a simple idea I could show you today.

The one I made for Christmas (you can see it here) has been much admired on the exhibtion stands this season, that I thought a baby one would also be fun.  I had planned to do a blue one as well, but ran out of time.

They really are very easy to make......before you say anything, I know I always say that BUT they are. 

1.  Fold a piece of paper in half and draw half a heart shape, cut the shape out.  Open it out and make sure it fits into your frame.  You do not want the cut heart shape of paper but the sheet it was cut from.

2. Place the paper over your back ground paper, and secure in place with a bit of tape.  Just fill the cutout shape with buttons, play around, move them around a bit until you are happy with the look they create.

3.  Glue the buttons down, I use a hot glue gun, but to be honest any tacky glue would be fine.

4.  Remove your paper cutout template and then decorate the rest of the frame if you wish.  Baby's and gingham ribbon (here) were made for each other!

That's me done for this morning, we are leaving for the Hobbycrafts show at the NEC.  We worked out this morning that we have spent 225days of our life at the NEC, so by the end of Hobbycrafts it will be 230 days - what a sad thought!!!!

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