Hello wednesday–roses and iris

say helo to wednesday 405

Another piece of Silk ribbon embroidery today, it is the pair to the one I showed you
for our first Challenge day of the New Year, last Thursday.

This one is Roses and Iris, I must admit that I have fallen in love again with
ribbon embroidery. Maybe it is something to do with working with silk.


Sorry about the extra watermarks, but they are new kits.
We did extremley well with them last week in Paris and hope the ladies of Metz
will like them tomorrow.  If you would like to reserve yourself a pair to embroidery, then please
call Bev 01258 455889 and she will contact me.
I would normally say she would pop them in the post for you…….BUT……..I stole all the stock!

Off to set the stand up, hope it will not take too long, Tony said he would take me to lunch.

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