Hello wednesday - thanks

Don't you just LOVE wednesday's? Say hello to wednesday "hello wednesday" It's all downhill from now on to the weekend - yippee!!!

It is amazing how being given a gift makes you feel that nice warm yummy feeling inside.

These are the delightful muffins that Pinky gave Tony and myself last saturday.  Not very clear pictures, but Tony was in rather a rush to try one!  The brown paper bag had been wrapped around with our new cupcake ribbon here, and the muffins had their own keep calm ribbon secured around the top to keep them fresh. Pinky they were very, very yummy - thank you.

I would also like to thank everyone that emailed me and left a super comment about my accident. You are all so kind.  I was brave enough to look at my finger on Monday, not nice.  Even the nurse said it was nasty!  That's it my second job as a hand model is over, no more tutorials or videos for a while.  Maybe I need to go in search of some ribbon gloves.

Please excuse any typo's, left hand is not up to speed yet!

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