Rachie on a mission

As soon as Tony and I arrived at the warehouse this morning we could tell that Rachie was on a mission. "Come on everyone, lets unload the van" but, but can we not have coffee first. "Nope!"

The van was swiftly unloaded, covers and ties off the ribbon cabinets.  It looked like Rachie was conducting an orchestra, she was directing the girls with crates of ribbon to their own cabinets, shortfalls had to reported to her ONLY!  It was too much activity for me to watch, I slid away to my office to attack my inbox. By 4pm, every ribbon peg and button tray had been restocked and was ready to be loaded back onto the van - we are ready for the NEC. Mission completed!

Olympia was a very busy show, it was amazing to see people walking around with their ribbon brooches and it was great to meet so many friendly bloggers.  I was busy showing everyone how to make the brooches and necklaces, i even managed to make some new ones to match the outfits i was weraing.

This set went down a storm on Sunday.

It has been a whole week since I last saw Syd, she bounced in from school this afternoon and wiggled a tooth at me.  So proud she was of her first loose tooth. Yuk!

Woobly tooth and all she picked the Friday FREEBIE winners for me.

The lucky numbers are.....

Number 8 = Bonnie
I would love a bowdabra....my bows take me so long that I could be using that precious crafting time to be making something else!!!!  That is defintely on my wish list....hugs x

Number 18 = Sue
Oooh thats easy for me.......dots everytime for me please


Bonnie and Sue your wish list is about to come true, just email us with your addresses please.  I had great trouble trying to connect to the internet this weekend, it was just taking an age so I gave up most evenings,  it was a real treat to catch up on all your comments this morning.  Thank you all for joining in, you do say some nice things about Crafty Ribbons.

Although Olympia is not that far for us, we seemed to take a long time to load the van last night and did not arrive home till late.  So off home early.

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