Safety First

I never know what I will find on my desk each morning.  Earlier in the week I found a packet of Breton Gallette biscuits - oh nice, so I got stuck in straight away.  Thanks Ali but rather dry I spluttered.  Dunk them in your coffee she suggested, that's what the french do. Yuck! but gave it a go....... OH!  Yummy!  Just like a victoria sponge, I like these.

Yesterday morning I found a little parcel with a tag attached saying - "Safety First Miss Mollie"


Ali had made Mollie her own Safety Jacket for the carnival.

It is gorgeous, even Tony went a bit gooey when he saw Mollie wearing it!

Where is the ribbon you ask?  Ali used 15mm black satin folded in half to edge the jacket, she said it was a bit of a fiddle around the arms, I have no idea how long it took her, but I think it is amazing.   Thanks Ali.

Rachie x

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