Satin Winner is...

Sydney getting ready with her Bingo Bag, which the sharp eyed readers will remember is one of the projects from Green Britain Day.

The Winner of our Friday FREEBIE is......

Number 44 - Susan Foulkes.

Susan left the following comment  on September 19. 2009 01:09


Yummy! What a fab selection of ribbons - a girl (?!!) can never have too many.
Sue xx




Hi Sue Please email us your address fo we can send you 196mtrs of ribbon - all different colours!!!  There will be a lot of envious people out there tonight. Thank you all for your wonderful comments, we so enjoyed reading them. We would love to make you all winners.

Sorry we have not been blogging much, we are all setting the exhibition stand up ready for Exeter this week.  We had a late delivery that turned up today and I so wanted to get the ribbons on the stand, so with a bit of huffing and puffing (quite a bit really!) Rachie re set the displays for me, after I had persuaded our outworkers to spend the evening chopping and packing all the ribbons.  These are the ribbons I selected after seeing a pair of shoes that Bev wore into the office!!!!  They will not be on the website for a while, but you can see them first in Exeter!!  We have so many NEW ribbons on the exhibition stand and hundreds of awesome buttons, I am not sure there will be room for Tony and myself!

I have not forgotten that I have not shown you the box sleeves from the last ribbon challenge, these will be on display in Exeter and I will post them on the blog next week.  We are still waiting for a few parcels to turn up, I have a horrid feeling they may be caught up in the postal strike.  I have my mind on the next challenge mmmmmm... maybe the ribbons that arrived today! Do not forget to check back for this Fridays FREEBIE.

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