Swiss Dots

Ali has wanted to add a range of Swiss Dots to our Dottie range of ribbons for a while, but she did not just want the norm - you know what we mean.... white dots, we wanted to find a range that was a little bit special with coloured dots. So when she came across this range of 10mm Grosgrain she was the happiest bunny on the block!

47 stunning colours including the basics like Red, Blue and Pink with white Swiss Dots but it also includes some scrummy colours like Cappuccino with Pink Dots, Aqua with Turftan Dots, there is also Tangerine with Black dots - perfect for halloween!

Ali and I were checking the order in together last week, we lined all the ribbons up on the big work table and started ticking the colour combos off together.   "Rachie, not all the colours are here - we are missing Acid Green, Apple Green and there are several other Pink ones missing".  Oh dear I tried not to giggle, then she noticed my waist line had expanded!!! 

I only wanted to borrow them!!!!  They are really wicked colours.

I do hope you enjoy the ribbons as much as we do.


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