Voucher take two!

Did you see my little error this morning "Who has won the voucher?".  I got up early and decided to pre write the post so that I could just drop in the photo and details later when the number was picked. It gets so crazy in the warehouse on Mondays and I was just trying to save a bit of time, but I messed up and pressed the wrong button.

It has been one of those weekends, I am still full of cold and it has turned into sinusitus - oooh so painful. Rachie was so sweet, she realised how unwell I felt and offered to go to Ally Pally for me - aaaah I thought that was wonderful. Until I remembered that she has her mother-in-law coming to stay this coming weekend. RACHIE!

So "Who has won the £20 Voucher?" Could it be Wilma for telling us what type of weather she is experiencing, or Wiglet for singing us a song, or Tracey for hating Fridays's or I did like Clare's idea of only allowing entry into her craft room with coffee and chocolate.  I only wish you could all win. The kiddies have the "Bingo" bag so I had better find my camera!

The winner of our Friday FREEBIE £20 voucher is.......

Number 40 = Anj

Please put me in your Bingo Bag.... the inspiration on your site just gets better and better.  Happy Friday everyone!! x x x

Well done Anj you have 20 smackers to spend on ribbons and buttons from our website.  Please email me at craftyribbons@gmail.com and i will tell you all about how to spend the voucher.  Sorry to everyone that left wicked comments, maybe your luck will be in this week!

I am being "nagged", I am - by my customers. I searched the world all summer for wonderful new ribbons to take to the Autumn exhibitions.  Well what's the point of having all the same ribbons as you can find on our website, you make the effort to come to the shows to see something different.  We thought this was a good idea.....Ooooh noooooo. All last week poor Tony was bombarded with emails and telephone calls, "I saw this ribbbon...", "In Exeter you had a ribbon with....", "Where can I find...." . Tony was almost begging me (Ok he did not get down on his knees - but close as!) to add ribbons to the site. 

I will be adding ribbons, when time allows BUT please if you see a ribbon at ALLY PALLY this week and you fall in love, just ask if it is on the site or not. We are always happy to help.

So who wanted the Funky Christmas ribbons to be added?  The ones that are in the Funky Selection Box - well here they are...

scrummy pinks


or lush limes. 

These are just two of the colours added to our Go Grosgrain collection, you can find them all HERE. Go Grosgrain this Christmas!

Now Gail you wanted me to share your Christmas challenge creations next - I am sure I can arrange that.....watch this space!


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