Hello wednesday - alien are here

say helo to wednesday 405

Do you remember a while back I told you I had been working with aliens?

Well.......they have landed.  To be honest they arrived by DHL!

Not just Aliens but look at that cute message ribbon.
"Love you to the moon and back"

How cool is that?
This ribbons are NOT on the website and will not be going on for a couple of weeks.
Tony and I left on Tuesday night for two weeks away in France.
A loving romantic trip you are thinking............
We are the L'Aiguille en Fete show for a week and then we move on to Metz for another show.
We have lots of new ribbons, but for the moment you can only get them by coming to see us in France.

If that is to far to travel, then why not give Bev a call 01258 455889 and I am sure she will let you have some aliens.

Wish us luck with the shows.

Take care all.

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