Crafty's advent day 3 & Friday FREEBIE

I am all of dither what should I do first - advent ribbon idea, Friday FREEBIE or the winner of yesterdays comment.  The first thing I used to do on December mornings as a child, would be to rush down and open my advent calender, little paper windows with advent scenes hiding behind.  Not like the chocolate ones you get today.  Mum, allowing us chocolate before breakfast, I think not!

This little idea I had lined up for later in the month, but the snow was just perfect for the photo yesterday.

Red Velvet ribbon is so lush and just shouts "CHRISTMAS TIME".  The pine cone pom pom started life as a polystyrene ball which I covered with cinammon sticks (smells nice too), nuts and pine cones.  I used my trusted hot glue gun to get everything stuck in place and finished off with a classic red velvet bow.

I read in the Sew magazine's December issue 18 that they believe that Crafty Ribbons have the largest colour range of velvet ribbons on the internet - WOW thanks Sew.  We have stocks of sumptuous red velvet in all the widths from 9mm to 50mm all waiting to be used on your Christmas projects.  Find them all HERE.

Also throughout our Crafty's advent we will be running "mini" FREEBIES, yesterday was for a 20mtr roll of personalised mulled wine ribbon.  All you had to do to enter was to leave a comment. We have picked Craftygranny, we think it might cheer her up and she will have a nice surprise when the snow goes away and the postie arrives!


We have far too much snow here too. You can have the lot i hate the stuff.

Send us an email Craftygranny to with the Christmas wishes you would like us to print on your ribbon, and bye the way you can keep your snow craftygranny we also have enough!!

Friday FREEBIE time, well it is the 1st Friday of december so it must be voucher Friday!  Who would like to win a £20 voucher to spend on our website?

As it is also the third day of our advent how about 3 vouchers to give away.  Lets get into the Christmas spirit (Tony) and spread some Christmas cheer.  For a chance to win one of these vouchers all you have to do is leave a comment and we will pick 3 winners from our "Bingo" bag on Monday.

If you are having problems leaving a message due to our spam filters, just email it to me and I will add it for you.

Thanks to our brave soliders who made it into work yesterday....

Sydneys school was closed so she came into work with mummy, she wanted to do some crafting as she has been banned from doing it at home (she redecorated the sitting room wall!).  She made a wonderful snowman picture, that had the largest amount of buttons on him you ever saw!  Then she moved onto a christmas tree, with tinsel hanging from the branches.  She sadly took them home before i had a chance to photograph them.  If school is closed today i promised she could make a gingerbread man.

I seem to have snow gremlins in todays posting, I can not seem to get the text to be the same!!

Have fun


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