Guess who.......

I bet you can not guess who is picking the numbers from the "bingo" bag this really was not that dark outside......I promise. Ummmmm and sorry about the state of their school shirts, we had been crafting and blowing bubbles, it looks as if most of the bubble mixture went all over them!!

The mystery Bingo Bag pickers pulled four numbers from the "Bingo" Bag for this weeks Friday FREEBIE winners.
Each winner will get one of Bev's NEW plum Pudding bags.

Number 1 = Jan
Hi Ali I love the green behind the snowflake , last year I used some ribbon that looks much the same as your snowflake green ribbon but in blue I used it on cards and did the snowflakes punched out and blue backing , I loved them, and the ribbon looked delish
As for Bev's Bag Yummbles, is that a word? I love plum pudding and I love the look of Bev's new bag
Have a good weekend
Love Jan

Number 22 = Joanne Street
The Lime ribbon looks fantastic, its a great colour.  I'm just loving the plum bag, great colour idea.  Thanks for the chance to win one.
Jo x

Number 28 = Jan Buckley
Hi, You won't believe this!  I had already chosen silver and plum for my table settings this year, I so need to win these ribbons!  They would be the "icing on the cake" lol.
Love to all    Jan xxx

Number 32 = Tracey
plum pudding sounds lovely x x x

The Plum Puddings were freshly made today, and are sat cooling waiting for your address girls.  Please send an email to so we can get them in the post to you as soon as poss.

Thank you to everyone that left super comments, it was great to be back home and able to read them as and when I popped onto the blog, rather then trying to catch up in one go.  We have lots to share with you this week, so hope you will pop on by and say hi.

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