3 Today

Our little Mollie is 3 today.
Happy Birthday Mollie.

She had her party on Sunday and I got to play pass the parcel!
We hope you have fun today with Daddy and Mummy.

Mollie first came into the warehouse when she was a few days old, her birth was our 5th ever blog post!!!
WOW it only seems like yesterday.

Glad to read that you all loved yesterdays challenge goodies from Andrea, Mel and Sharon, and YES PLEASE Andrea we would love some cupcakes at Olympia. Tony would happily become your official taster!!

Todays goodies came as rather a surprise.................the box was rather battered and crushed and looked as if it had travelled up and down the country - I think it had.  When I opened it, I found these little treasures from Claire from the New England Challenge!!!  She contacted me after I had said "That's it on the New England goodies"..........she could not find hers.  I double checked and no we had no parcel from Claire, sadly we declared the parcel lost, but it finally arrived!!!


Claire had made this delightful card holder and a little tea light holder.  The card holder is a wicked idea and using the wide grosgrain ribbon will hold the cards on display perfectly. Where did you get the little matching red pegs from Claire? They are a perfect colour match for the New England ribbons.

Houston we have a problem....................who sent their Challenge goodies back in a yellow feet street shoe box?  because these wonderful creations are yours.

As soon as I spied this in the box, I wanted it.  This is drop dead gorgeous and totally me...............I LOVE it. I wish I had come up with this idea.

I am getting a little worried that maybe I entered into the challenge and sent my own creations back, they are so ME! This little pillow has a slight aroma to it, I can see it hanging on a bedroom door of a little person during the lead up to Christmas.

Oooooh look at this.  Could you bring yourself to use it?  Adorable who ever made these creations.  This New England Collection is so part of me, the colours, the texture, the memories - I am delighted that other crafters have captured the true essence of this range. Thank you. Please let us know who you are!

A short and sweet posting today - I am still working on my project for tomorrows Hello wednesday and unless I get a move on it is going to be a "Work in progress" project!!

Hope you all have fun.

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