Hello wednesday - Bright Noel

Don't you just LOVE wednesday's? Say hello to wednesday  "hello wednesday" It's all downhill from now on to the weekend - yippee!!!

During our Hobbycraft de-briefing on Monday, Rachie wanted to know why we had sold so many Delphinium Crush button boxes (here) compared to all the other colours. That was easy to answer - my LOVE Cushion (here) is part of the display above the button boxes. Rachie then informed us that we did not have sufficient stock to go to Paris with, so I had better not take the cushion.   But.....but......that will leave a big hole in my display Rachie.  She had the perfect answer - Make a NEW Cushion!


I took two button boxes home with me, Autumn Leaves and Cosy Brights and all the felt colours I had, planning on making another LOVE cushion but I was tired and I laid the E and L out incorrectly.  "Bingo" light bulb moment..............change LOVE to NOEL. Perfect.

I used the same font as before called Arial Black, and the same size very large at 480.  These will fit onto a cushion 40cm square.  I just printed the letters out on plain paper and roughly cut away the excess paper.  I pinned NOEL onto some toning felt and cut them out, cutting through the paper and the felt at the same time.  All the other instructions are the same as for the LOVE cushion here.

Once  I had the NOEL idea I wanted to create a rich Jewel effect so it had to be the Cosy Bright buttons (here).  Rather then just using the small buttons as I did for the LOVE cushion, I mixed the sizes as I felt this gave the jewelled effect I was after.  I added the extra button details to the felt letters for the same reason.

I am really pleased with the effect and will take it into the warehouse to show the girls later today, and it will be on display in Paris next week.

This is the cushion I was embroidering Monday night when I had my accident, so really it is Rachie I have to blame for my injury!!!  Thank you so much for your concern, yes it was very painful and is causing me some discomfort.  I am taking care and resting it as much as anyone can.  I can cope with the pain but am having terrible flash backs when I shut my eyes, seeing the scissors in my heel. I was unable to use scissors last night when finishing the cushion, the sight of a pair makes my stomach do a somersault!!  I will have to get over this pretty soon, I can not run a ribbon company and have a phobia of scissors!!!!!

Have fun and enjoy the day.

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