Hello wednesday - royal colours

Don't you just LOVE wednesday's? Say hello to wednesday  "hello wednesday" It's all downhill from now on to the weekend - yippee!!!

I mentioned last week that I was playing around with some red, white and blue ribbons on the exhibition stand - well I made a few flowers but had nothing else to play with, paper card glue etc.......but yesterday......oh boy did I play......

It is less than a month to the Royal wedding, and although I will not be here to see it, I have very fond memories of Lady Diana's wedding.  We had a massive street party in our little village in Oxfordshire and we had lots of fun.  Bunting was hung between the houses, tables and chairs were carried from houses and everyone joined in with making the food.  A wicked time. 

We sold out of Union Jack ribbon by Friday afternoon at Hobbycrafts, so there must be a large interest in all things Royal.

I have shown you how to make these Shaggy Ribbon Flowers before (HERE), I had no plain white ribbon on the stand, but thought the red polka dot was just perfect for what I wanted to create.  It was quite frustrating to have the card planned in my mind but not to be able to make it.  All these ribbons are in Bev's NEW Regal bag here and you can find the spotty buttons here.

You can not have a Royal Wedding without some bunting....

I made it using the same idea as my Christmas Bunting (HERE) but a little bit smaller. I only used 40mm ribbon, this time grosgrain and sewed it straight onto 3mm satin with bold red stitches!

I have saved the Union Jack background paper as a jpeg, so if anyone would like me to send them a copy just email me at craftyribbons@gmail.com and I will be happy to forward it to you.

This card is not my normal cup of tea, it has lots of colour but when I showed it to the girls it got the WOW factor! 

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