Hello wednesday–wall art

say helo to wednesday 405

Not so cold today so no gloves.
They would have got very sticky working on todays project anyway.

We launched a Sisters ribbon bag this week.

bevs ribbon bag bursting with spring party ribbons

It is unusual for me to lay the ribbons out like this to take photos,
but I wanted to make sure that ALL the ribbons could be seen.

Specially the Lil’ Sister, Middle Sister and Big Sister ribbons.
When I saw all the sister ribbons laid out for the photo shoot, I knew I had a new idea.

hello wednesday wall art

I have a big empty wall in my top office, and 3 very large canvases that I have never done anything with.
I do mean big, they measure 81cms wide and 65cms deep.

So I did this……..


The best bit was getting all sticky with the glue! 
I did have fun making my wall art.

Now when I walk up the stairs to my office, I see this ribbon art and it makes me smile.

Don’t forget you can still enter the Facebook giveaway here, for a free Sister ribbon bag.

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