Just ribbons.....

......yes just ribbons today.
No digis, toppers, kits or even buttons.

Just plain and simple ribbons (Well as plain as I can make them!)

Everybody has to do their washing - even Santa!

A blue snowy sky, a little wind perfect for drying his laundry.

He got the children's stockings a little wet while washing his socks, so they are out to dry as well.

I hope Santa gets sorted soon

....he keeps dropping presents.

But remember....


Do NOT open until the 25th December.

Santa and all of us are....

Wishing you a Happy Christmas.

You can find our Wash Day ribbons here

With all this Christmas excitement I keep forgetting to announce the winner of the 4 LOVE kits.
We picked the winner on Tuesday and it is.......

Sharon P
they look lovely as always would look great on a bag x x

Well done Sharon please email bev.craftyribbons@gmail.com and she will send you your kits. 
BUT you must promise to show us the bag when it is finished.
Thank you to everyone that left us a comment, you really all must try ribbon embroidery...
.....Tony can do it!


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