
The show we are exhibiting at is called "Creativa" which means creative. So not only is there cross stitch, wool, papercraft, stands you would find in all UK shows, but there are also stands for all types of creation.  The stand just down from us is selling silicone baking moulds, so all day they are baking - ooh the smell!!  The nut crisp he makes is so tempting, he rolls it between two flat sheets of silicone.  I have to be so careful not to watch his demonstration all the time! We also have the Tupperware stand, yes proper tupperware in some wicked colours, not like the ones my mum had.  Although I am pleased that we are not near the "Spice Man", think it would be too heady for me.

The show closed at 7pm, but I managed to nip off the stand to take a few pics for you.  There is a display of lamp shades, but not plain boring ones, these have had a "make over"! Let there be light - although I am not sure how much light will shine through these lamp shades!

Only lamp shades here.

Look our ribbons and buttons!

Great idea for a childrens room, or even a craft room.

Not sure I have a room to accomodate this one.

Thanks for all your wonderful comments, I do hope your are enjoying Crafty's tour, it's great to read them as I always get a little home sick, silly I know. I like your idea Gail, sell all the ribbons and come home with cakes - party at Crafty's house!! Your cards are on the stand Dorothy, at the front above the buttons.

Don't forget tomorrows Friday... FREEBIE day

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