Not forgotten

Look what I have been doing today..... 

...."Cherry Pie" Ribbon Challenge 12!!!

I had so many packets and parcels (one wrapped in pink rose paper) for the challenge, it has been like my birthday and Christmas all rolled into one today, there are some truly wonderful cards, projects and goodies that I will be sharing with you tomorrow. I had planned to show you them all today, but I just do not know where the time disappears too.  This little basket was made by Lydia and was just perfect to hold the cherries - I must stop using food as a prop, I end up eating it!!!! 

Rachie has been off sick all week, she had a bad head cold that resulted in her losing her hearing.  She tried to come in to work on Tuesday, but we just ended up shouting at her - it was the only way she could hear us, so we sent her home.  We wish you well Rachie and come back to work soon - we miss you.


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