One Hundred!

Can you believe it, I have just finished putting another 10 Fantastic Bargain Ribbon Rolls on to the website, this brings the total number to 100 Rolls!! 

100 different rolls of colour and textures and amazing value at only 10p per mtr. Before you say it, there are not 100 rolls on the site - nope, we have sold out of nearly one third of the designs.  So if you see something you like in this weeks selection... go for it!  It may not be there next time you look. See them all HERE

I think this Lime Sheer is a wicked colour, soooooo lush!


What about this delicious Antiquity Satin, those colours are to die for.

This roll would be perfect for wrapping Halloween prezzies - it would certainly make your parcel stand out with the burnt orange and black colours.

Sam has decided to come and join me, and has taken rather a keen interest in my laptop, so I will sign off for now, I may be back later.

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