Ribbon Challenge # 5

Sorry this challenge is now FULL 

What a beautiful day, after driving through the night from Belfast and having an ice warning in Cumbria it has been a pleasant surprise.  To enjoy the day in the best possible way - it had to be a trip to the beach and a stroll along the prom.  Being cooped up in an exhibition centre and staying in Beflast city, it was such a pleasure to feel free and see the sun shining.

Anyway, to the main reason for this posting - Ribbon Challenge # 5  Seeing so many doggies enjoying themselves on the beach this challenge is rather apt - "Muddy Paws"

Would you like to take part in our Ribbon Challenge # 5? 

We have taken these NEW Paw Print Ribbons to the last three shows and we sold out at all shows!   A range of coloured grosgrain ribbons with paw prints in Chocolate (or mud!).  We have 10 free bundles of ribbons to give away, each bundle will contain lengths of all the new ribbons (NOT on the website - yet!).  All we ask in return for these ribbons are two cards made from these dog, cat or bear paw prints! The ribbons can be used to enhance all forms of card making, projects or ATC's as long as it is around the "Muddy Paws" theme!!!!  We will even throw in some "Woof" and "Meow" ribbons.

If you are up to the challenge, then send us an email to info@craftyribbons.com marked RIBBON CHALLENGE #5! The first 10 to reply will be sent an email requesting address details so we can send your free ribbons!!   Your cards will be posted onto our website and blog.

I hope you have had a fantastic day.


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