Spring Day

What a beautiful spring day we have had in Dorset.  It has been the first time we have been able to have our tea breaks out side in the sun this year.

Regular readers of the blog will know that on certain days of the week we get some extra help and that Sam has a "thing" about tail lifts.  Well today was one of those days that we had little helpers, not content with playing in the childrens area, nope!  We heard this dragging sound, with a few squeaks and followed the noise.  This is what we found....

....what could we say?

I must say sorry to Leslie I forgot to show you the wonderful bag she made for the Easter Ribbon Challenge, I showed you all her other goodies yesterday. Sorry Leslie.

She had planned to send it filled with chocolates, but her children ate them!!!

Here are the next batch of Challenge goodies from Jenny and Carol, we think they are stunning and are already packed on the lorry for London.

Jenny sent in this delightful little box and the matching card, the ribbon on the card is the "Sydney" ribbon I mentioned yesterday. Great goodies Jenny, thank you.

This is one of Carol's cards, she has spoilt me (I will tell you about that later). I love the colours here and she has used my favorite chick ribbon.

Carol these eggs look good enough to eat.  A perfect Easter Card.

What do think of Carol's box?

Look what happens when you take the lid off.

It explodes - isn't that just wicked.

....and ALL these goodies are for ME, well ok - the card did say girls!! I will share the choccy eggs and the card, but I am keeping the stamped bears all for ME.  Carol sent them so that I could practise my colouring in!!!  Thank you Carol I will have great fun.

Off to London early tomorrow, wish us luck.

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