Summer Bunting week - pinked!

Not sure there is such a word as "Pinked" but I am referring to cutting with pinking shears!

I had very little of this cupcake fabric and I wanted to make as many flags as I could,
so pinking shears came to the rescue.


  • fabric
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • sewing machine
  • matching sewing thread
  • bias binding  - I used a shocking one here, but we have other colours here

1. Make yourself a template here .
I cut mine from tracing paper, so that I could place it over my cupcake fabric,
to postion the cupcakes in the centre of each flag.

Use a pencil to draw around the template, then with pinking shears cut on the drawn line.

2. Fold the bias binding in half and machine about 30cms.

3.  Insert your first flag into the fold of the bias binding and machine.

4. I did not have very many cupcake triangles for my bunting, so I made the gap between each
flag further apart then normal.  I cut a piece of ribbon and used this as my space marker.

Place the ribbon marker so that it touches the sewn triangle, then lay it alongside the folded bias binding. 
Mark the end of the ribbon with a pin or pinch it with your nail.
Machine the bias binding until you reach the mark then insert the next triangle.

5. Continue machining and attaching the triangles until all the triangles have been used.

They will just stream out at the back of your machine.  Repeat step 2.

6.  Iron the bias binding flat.

Your bunting is ready to be hung!
Syd and Sam love their cupcake playhouse. I am amazed that I managed to find any photos
without Sam's smiling face looking out of the window.
What fun.

FREEBIE TIME............

We have added 4 NEW colours to our plain Bias Binding today
Lemon - orange - turquoise - coral

You can find all the colours here - but can you pick just one colour that is your favourite?
or will you have to go for two colours!

We have five 10mtr bundles of plain bias binding up for grabs,
so five winners.
10mtrs of one colour or 5mtrs each of two colours.

We will pick the winners next Tuesday
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No triangles tomorrow...............ooooooh any ideas?

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