Day 3 - Sugar Tree Decorations

Before I start on todays little idea I would just like to say "thanks". Your comments yesterday have really made me feel it is all worthwhile. I absolutely adore the blog, the projects, the challenges, the Friday FREEBIES, it is so part of me and what Crafty Ribbons is all about.  But when other factors are competing for your time, the stress of juggling everything sometimes gets too much. We are a small team, so everyones input is important - so when you are faced with make a project and write a blog post or pack and despatch orders you want to cry!!!  So your comments made me feel that those early mornings typing away on the computer while everyone was in snoooze land was worth the extra effort.  Thankfully you can change the time of the posts, I did get caught out on one facebook post I made at some ridiculous o'clock!!!

Put that all together and you get Christmas Crafting with Mollie!  

Mollie made these.  Yes she did.

Mollie is making the hole in the heart to hang it up.

What are they?  The are sugar decorations.  Mix a cup of sugar, a spoonful of glitter (ummm rather more if you let Mollie measure it out!) and a little water.  Mix it all together until it sticks.  You want the sugar to become sticky but not over wet that you can see the water, if this happens just add more sugar.

Work on a sheet of tinfoil and spoon some mixture into cookie cutters.  Mollie used a heart and a circle cutter.  Press the mixture down with a small spoon, or Mollie used her fingers!  Once it is all firmly pressed down, make a small hole so you can hang it.  You can see Mollie is using a kebab stick, anything  can be used, cocktail stick or even a pencil.  Carefully remove the cutter from the sugar mixture and allow to dry overnight.

I think Mollie and I were making too much noise and giggling because all the girls came round to see what we were doing in the canteen. Mollie's simple reply was "crafting".

This morning the decorations were rock hard and ready to hang on the tree.  Mollie had finished a couple of the decorations with an extra splash of glitter, so I decided to use our Almost Thread ribbon here so not to detract from the glitter!!

I really had fun yesterday making these with Mollie, we did not create too much mess, we were both a little bit sticky, but that soon washed off.

Thanks Mollie.


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